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Prof. Dr. Csongor István Nagy


Dr. Csongor István NAGY
Associate professor

• European Business Law
• International Business Law

Research fields:
• EU Economic Law
• The Law of International Economic Relations
• International Business/Commercial Law
• Private International Law, International Procedural Law
• Market Regulation, Law of Market Liberalization
• Competition Law

Most important publications:

More than 100 publications in Hungarian, English, German, Romanian and (in translation) Spanish language.

Books (select):
1. (2012): EU and US Competition Law: Divided in Unity? Ashgate Publishing, pp. 220.
2. (2012): Nemzetközi magánjog. Második, átdolgozott és bővített kiadás. HVG-Orac. pp. 304. [Private International Law. Second, revised and expanded edition.]
3. (2012): Private international law in Hungary. Kluwer Law International. pp. 190.
4. (2008): A közösségi és a magyar kartelljog kézikönyve. HVG-Orac, Budapest, pp. 787. (Handbook of Restrictive Agreements in Community and Hungarian Competition Law)
5. (2006): Az Európai Unió nemzetközi magánjoga. HVG-Orac, Budapest, pp. 482. (The European Union's Private International Law)

Articles, book chapters (select from the last five years):
1. Aplicarea temporală a regulamentului de insolvență în noile state membre după hotărârea Curții Europene în cauza Erste/BCL: aplicare imediată cu efecte retroactive? In: Revista Română de Drept al Afacerilor (under publication)
2. The law and economics of collective redress in Europe: without risk there is no reward! In: Columbia Journal of European Law (under publication)
3. Das zeitliche Anwendungsbereich der Europäischen Insolvenzverordnung nach dem Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs in Erste / BCL: rückwirkende Kraft oder sofortige Wirkung? In: Zeitschrift für Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht (under publication)
4. Grenzüberschreitende Umwandlung in einem rechtlichen Vakuum: die Folgeentscheidung des ungarischen Obersten Gerichtshofs im Fall VALE. In: IPRAX (under publication)
5. Slowakisches Sprachengesetz gegen Binnenmarkt - oder wie der Provinzialismus den Handel schädigt. In: Der Donauraum in Europa. Szerk.: András Masát, Ellen Bos, Martina Eckardt, Georg Kastner, David R. Wenger. 2013. pp. 402-412.
6. What Functions May Party Autonomy Have in International Family and Succession Law? An EU Perspective. In: Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, 4/2012, pp. 576-586.
7. Commitments as surrogates of civil redress in competition law: the Hungarian perspective. In: European Competition Law Review, 33. évf. 11/2012, pp. 531-536.
8. The Word is a Dangerous Weapon: Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Personality Rights in EU Law: Missed and New Opportunities. In: Journal of Private International Law, 8. évf., 2/2012, pp. 251-296.
9. A versenykorlátozó megállapodásokkal kapcsolatos versenyjogi tilalom szerkezete. In: Jogtudományi Közlöny, LXVII. évf., 9/2012, pp. 321-330. [The structure of the competition law prohibition on restrictive agreements]
10. Time Limited Interests in Land (Hungary). In: Time Limited Interests in Land. Editors: Cornelius Van Der Merwe - Alain-Laurent Verbeke. Cambridge University Press
11. Regulile acordurilor verticale în Uniunea Europeană: chestiuni de interpretare şi oportunităţi ratate. In: Revista Română de Drept European, 3/2012, pp. 74-90.
12. A viszonteladási ár rögzítésének megítélése az amerikai, az EU és a magyar versenyjogban: kihasznált és kihagyott lehetőségek. In: Verseny és Szabályozás 2011. Szerk.: Valentiny Pál - Kiss Ferenc László - Nagy Csongor István. MTA KRTK Közgazdaság-tudományi Intézet, pp. 58-101. [The treatment of resale price fixing in US, EU and Hungarian competition law]
13. Recognition and enforcement of US judgments involving punitive damages in Europe. In: Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht, 1/2012, pp. 4-11.
14. El derecho aplicable a los aspectos patrimoniales del matrimonio: la ley rectora del matrimonio empieza donde el amor acaba. In: Anuario Espanol de Derecho Internacional Privado. Tomo X. Iprolex, 2010. pp. 511-529. (The paper was translated from the original English version by Prof. Clara Isabel Cordero Álvarez.)
15. Az egyetemes szolgáltatás metamorfózisai. In: Verseny és szabályozás 2010. Eds: Nagy, Csongor István - Kiss, Ferenc László - Valentiny, Pál. MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet, pp. 120-144. [The metamorphoses of universal service]
16. New Hungarian rules on damages in competition matters. In: European Competition Law Review, 2/2011, pp. 63-67.
17. Das ungarische Verfassungsgericht zur persönlichen Haftung von Geschäftsführer und Vorstandsmitglied. In: Osteuropa-Recht 1/2011, pp. 60-64.
18. Rome II Regulation and traffic accidents: uniform conflict rules with some room for forum-shopping - how so? In: Journal of Private International Law, 1/2010, pp. 93-108.
19. Schadensersatzklagen im Falle kartellrechtlicher Rechtsverletzungen in Ungarn: neue Schadensersatzvorschriften des ungarischen Kartellgesetzes, In: Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, 9/2010, pp. 902-911.
20. Közgazdasági kérdések a mérlegelési jogkörben hozott közigazgatási határozatok felülvizsgálata során, különös tekintettel a versenyügyekre. In: Verseny és szabályozás 2009. Szerk.: Kiss Ferenc László - Valentiny Pál. MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet, pp. 108-148. [Economics issues in the judicial review of discretionary administrative decisions]
21. Csoportos igényérvényesítés összehasonlító jogi modelljei I. Az amerikai class action. In: Külgazdaság Jogi Melléklete vol. LIV, 9-10/2010, pp. 89-110. [The Comparative Models of Collective Redress I. The US Class Action]
22. A csoportos igényérvényesítés összehasonlító jogi modelljei II. A csoportos igényérvényesítés európai modelljei és az összehasonlító jogi modellek tanulságai. In: Külgazdaság Jogi Melléklete vol. LIV, 11/2010, pp. 121-152. [The Comparative Models of Collective Redress II. The European Models of Collective Redress and the Lessons of the Comparative Models]
23. The judicial application of competition law in Hungary. In: FIDE XXIV Conference, Madrid, 2010.
24. Enforcement of contracts in Hungary (szerzőtárs: Oláh, Zsófia). In: The Case Law of Central and Eastern Europe. Enforcement of Contracts. Volume I. Eds.: Messmann, Stefan és Tajti, Tibor. European University Press. 2009. pp. 215-315.
25. Az egységes fogalomértelmezés követelménye a formálódó közösségi nemzetközi magánjogban, különös tekintettel a polgári és kereskedelmi ügy, a szerződés és a szerződésen kívüli kötelem fogalmára. In: Európai Jog, 2/2008, pp. 3-12. [The requirement of uniform interpretation in the emerging Community private international law, with special emphasis on the notions of civil and commercial matter, contract and non-contractual obligation]

• dr. jur., Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Faculty of Law, Budapest (2003) (summa cum laude)
• exchange student, Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam (2002)
• exchange student, Karls-Ruprecht Universität, Heidelberg (2002-2003)
• Member of the István Bibó College of Law (Budapest) (1999-2003)
• LL.M., Central European University Budapest/New York (2004) (Lovells Award: second of the year)
• exchange student, Cornell University, New York (2003)
• Course on World Law, World Law Institute & Central European University (2004)
• Central European University Diploma in Advanced European Union Legal Practice (2005) (magna cum laude)
• Hungarian Bar Exam (Hungarian Bar Exam Committee) (2007)
• Ph.D., Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Faculty of Law, Budapest (2009) (summa cum laude)
• S.J.D., Central European University, Budapest/New York (2010) (summa cum laude)

Visiting fellowships (three months or longer)
• London - British Institute of International and Comparative Law (2013): Visiting Fellow
• Edinburgh - University of Edinburgh (2012): MacCormick Fellowship
• Hamburg - Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (2011): DAAD
• München - Max-Planck-Institut für Geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerbs- und Steuerrecht (2006-2007): DAAD
• München - Max-Planck-Institut für Geistiges Eigentum, Wettbewerbs- und Steuerrecht (2006): Eötvös Scholarship, Hungarian Scholarship Committee
• the Hague - T.M.C. Asser Instituut (2005): the Institute's Visiting Fellow Scholarship

• English (excellent)
• French (reading)
• German (fluent)
• Hungarian (mother tongue)
• Romanian (fluent)

Memberships in editorial boards and professional organisations
• Competition Law Research Centre (Budapest), member (2006-)
• Bar Exam Committee, examiner (2008-)
•, national reporter (2008-)
• Fédération Internationale pour le Droit Européen, Hungarian section (2008-)
• Institute of Economics at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member of the editorial board of the yearbook entitled Competition and Regulation (2008-)
• Budapest Bar, member (2008-)
• Hungarian Competition Law Association, member (2009-)
• Hungarian Academy of Sciences, public body member (2009-)
• „Pro Futuro - A jövő nemzedékek joga" journal, member of the advisory board (2011-)
• Tribuna Juridică, member of the advisory board (2012-)
• Hungarian Association of Law and Political Sciences, member (2012-)

6722 Szeged, Rákóczi tér 1. (Hungary), tel/fax: +36 (62) 343-179,



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