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New Technologies in Courts: Advantages and Limits

Call for Papers and Participation

  • Event Date: Friday, October 22, 2021
  • Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: April 19, 2021
  • Notification on acceptance: by the end of April, 2021
  • Paper Submission Deadline: September 3, 2021

The Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Law hereby announces the organization of an international conference with the title "New Technologies in Courts: Advantages and Limits".

The main topic of the conference is constituted by the legal-science implications of novel information technology and communications (IT&C) solutions applied to the challenges faced by courts and legal professionals alike in the modern context of administering justice. This conference aims to build on the success of the Law and Artificial Intelligence Conference organized in 2019 by our department.

We welcome all submissions related to the proposed topic of the conference: procedural rules on the use of IT&C solutions during the administration of justice, online litigation, justice-related telecommunication regulations, data protection in courts, norms proposed to regulate artificial intelligence during a court procedure, the law applicable to electronic court case management, the effects of novel IT&C solutions on the activity of legal professionals and the legal professions themselves. Positive effects of digitalization and the limits of such technologies in the context of classical principles of civil procedure can be addressed.

Those wishing to participate are invited to submit a short abstract, no longer than 1.000 words, of their proposed paper, addressed to the Secretary of the Organizing Committee, Dr. János Székely, to the e-mail address [], no later than April 19, 2021. The Organizing Committee shall review the proposed papers and confirm admission to the conference by the end of April 2021. We encourage established scholars but also Ph.D. students conducting their research on a topic related to the conference theme to participate.

Papers accepted for presentation shall also be published in print and online in the  Acta Universitatis Sapientiae - Legal Studies, the peer-reviewed law journal of our university [ISSN 2286-0940 (online version), ISSN 2285-6293 (printed version), ISSN-L 2285-6293], in a special issue dedicated to the topic of the conference.

We hope that we can have a real, on-site conference. In the case of necessity due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the conference will be organized online.

The chosen papers will be presented during plenary and panel sessions with the presentation time being (strictly) limited to 20minutes. There will be short discussion time guaranteed in each concurrent workshop session.

For the presenters of accepted papers the organizers will provide full accommodation (hotel for two nights, respectively 20 and 21 October and meals) except travel expenses. Cluj-Napoca is the "capital" of the historical region Transylvania with an international airport.

Regarding formal requirements of the papers please read carefully the following instructions.

In case of any questions regarding submission of proposed papers and the conference, please do not hesitate to write to us.

The event is supported by the Hungarian Ministry of Justice, the Romanian Association of Comparative Law and the Forum Iuris Publishing House.

The Organizing Committee


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